Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Garza Pride Mural Project

 A feeling of dignity, self-respect; satisfaction in your achievements, possessions, or people you care about. A good thing to have. 

The Garza Pride Mural could go many different places. I feel as though it should go somewhere open so we can show our pride. This mural is not something that should be put on a tiny wall, hidden behind trees and buildings. We want our students and teachers, as well as people who pass by to be constantly aware of how amazing we are as a school and as individuals. We are accepting, loving, creative, intellectual individuals from all walks of life. People do not hide their pride, they wear it with honor. Why shouldn't our school?

This is the wall on the west side of the 300 wing

This is the west wall of the 100 wing

This is the north west wall of the 300 wing next to the parking lot.

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